
Get Access To The Right HHS OIG’S Compliance Program Guidance

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides guidance to various healthcare providers in the form of compliance program guidance documents.[1] These documents provide insightful and useful information on how to structure an effective compliance program. In today’s enforcement environment, HHS is closely scrutinizing healthcare providers’ compliance programs. It is no longer sufficient to simply have a compliance program. HHS wants to see evidence that the program is effectively identifying fraud, waste, and abuse, that the program fosters an ethical environment for employees and that the organization is largely choosing to do the right thing.

The OIG drafted compliance program guidance documents for numerous types of healthcare providers.

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As a helpful reference, included below are links to those guidance documents.

Home Health Agencies: Compliance Program Guidance for Home Health Agencies (63 Fed. Reg. 42410; August 7, 1998)

[1] Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. “Compliance Guidance.” <>