Industry News

CMS Issues ICD-10 Resource Guide and Contact List.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued a resource guide and contact list to help providers with the transition to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10). The resource guide lists phone numbers and e-mail addresses for Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), state Medicaid agency contacts, and contacts for Local Coverage Determination questions by state. Additionally, CMS established an ICD-10 Ombudsman and ICD-10 Coordination Center to help track, triage, and resolve issues. CMS directs providers to follow a three-step process for ICD-10 questions:

  1. Refer to the “Road to 10” webpage ( or CMS ICD-10 webpage (;
  2. Contact MACs for claims-specific questions; and
  3. Contact the ICD-10 Ombudsman for questions.

The resource guide and contact list is available at:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.  “Provider ICD-10 Resource Guide & Contact List.”  Oct. 2015.

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